Amaya user interface RFE: Apply and Done buttons


Usually Windows configuration dialog boxes have three buttons:
"Accept" = Save changes and exit (this button is always abled)
"Apply" = Save changes (this button is disabled when the user has not changed any value and it is abled after a change) and do not exit
"Cancel" = Do not save changes (after last saving) and exit (this button is always abled)
(I am translating from Spanish, so perhaps English Windows boxes use "OK" or "Done" instead of Accept)

Amaya has only two of this buttons:
"Apply" = Save changes (always abled) 
"Done" = Do not save changes and exit

In Amaya 8.1, the Amaya "Apply" button behaved like a Windows "Accept" button. Now in Amaya 8.2 pre, the Amaya "Apply" button behaves like a Windows "Apply" button. In Amaya 8.1, I missed the Windows "Apply" button; in Amaya 8.2 pre I miss the Windows "Accept" button ! :-)

Can both buttons ("Accept" and "Apply") be included in Amaya boxes instead of only one button ("Apply")? Would the Amaya "Done" button be better renamed as "Cancel"?

Best regards,
Bartolomé Sintes

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2003 03:53:18 UTC