Re: When will be Amaya appearance changed?

Gabriele Fava wrote:

> Stephane Gully wrote:
>> Hello gabriele,
>> I'm currently working on amaya user interface.
>> You're right, amaya's icons are ugly and we're looking for nicer one. 
>> Of course icons change is not enough to have a user friendly 
>> interface ... so if you have other remarks about amaya's user 
>> interface, I will be happy to take into account all what you say.
>> Regards,
>> Stephane
> Well, that's good news!
> No, my only remark just now is about icons, if you change them I think 
> it will be already a good improvement. Ah, they should be subtitled, 
> or at least present tooltips!

Currently amaya's icons already present tooltips. The next step is to 
allow user to customize it : maybe choose the icons size and to show or 
not subtitles ...

Received on Monday, 22 September 2003 03:22:56 UTC