HTTP-PUT in Amaya v2003.09.04


I'm writing an Java HTTP-Server with a put-request (see my mail from today), 
and I observed some problems:

(1) What I did is I set a break point in my method-switch of the http server  
     and see for each save of  amaya a HEAD-, a PUT- and GET-request.
     After the Head a dialog ask me If I want ot overwrite the file.
     Then the PUT and the GET happend (I configured amaya to check the PUT
     with a GET to test my server).
(2) The problems are:
     (a) No problem with the head
     (b) Because of the break point in my code neither the PUT nor the GET    
          are handled until I resume the thread the break point is in. 
          But Amaya tells me -- before I resumed any thread -- that the PUT   
          has failed and asks me to ignore this "error". 
          I think a server-timeout is the correct behaviour for such a 
     (c) If I don't set any breakpoint I get sometimes also the "bad 
          PUTmessage" from the GET-verify, but if I look on the page with     
           another browser the put seams to work. 
          I know form my breakpoint-test that amaya does a concurrent 
          PUT- / GET-request and I believe Amaya assumes that its requests
          are queued on the server.
          My server handles the request in differenet threads. And I believe  
           that Amaya's GET fetches the old file, because the PUT has not   
          finsihed. I don't think that is a bug in my server but Amaya's GET 
          has to wait for the end of the PUT request.
(3)  In extension to my mail for the improved HTTP-Authentication Dialog,
      I think Amaya should become configurable to show the File part of the
      PUT-method in an HTML-window, if such an file exists.

Kind Regards

Markus Maier

Received on Monday, 15 September 2003 05:29:51 UTC