Amaya feature request


This is a feature request. Perhaps somebody make the following work:

[1] Launch Amaya from an CD-ROM or read-only mounted Network device; the  
    problems with Amaya 8.1a are related to my point [2] and the following 
    If I start Amaya on Windows (98) from a writeable Samba Share the 
    location bar shows
    from another read-only Samba share I get:

[2] Amaya uses different locations for its user directory, and it is 
    configurable in nearly all environments:
        Unix: change HOME-Env-varaible
        WinNT/2000/XP: change HOMEDRIVE- and HOMEPATH-env-variables
   but on windows 98 it is hardcoded (as far as I understand the sources), now
   my suggestion:
        Check (in all environments) for an env-varaible AMAYA_USER_HOME,
        and if it is set use it, if it is not set keep the default behaviours 
        as it is implemented at the moment.
   This makes it possible to launch amaya with a small script from a read-only
   disk (in my case: a CD-ROM and read-only samba share ); the script has to
   define AMAYA_USER_HOME with a temporary directory.
   I think that are 3 lines of code in /thotlib/base/registry.c and 2 lines of
   additional documentation.

Kind regards


Received on Monday, 18 August 2003 03:37:42 UTC