One problem carried over, and a new one (Amaya 8.1a)

Using Amaya 8.1a on Win2k Advanced Server

1) Newly spotted problem - empty referrer

Following a link of the form leads to
the page 

2) Problem carried forwards from 7.x - using the following works if the page
loaded and the css file are in the same directory on the local host

<style type="text/css" media="screen">@import url( site.css );</style>

and such CSS as Amaya supports (i.e. we expect positioning not to work yet)
is carried out; but when the files are placed on a web-server, it does not
(though Mozilla 1.4 and IE6 resolve it); and the CSS files are fetched
(according to the status line)

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2003 05:51:51 UTC