Re: font-size: larger and h1 default size

This may look strange, but I think Amaya is right. "larger" refers
to the size of the parent element. If the font-size for <body> is
12pt, characters in a H1 element can actually be smaller than the
default size.

Check section 15.2.4 of the CSS2 specification:


Brant Langer Gurganus wrote:
> Using Amaya 8.0 for Windows XP,
> I created an XHTML 1.0 Strict file which has an h1 element:
> <h1>Brant's Projects</h1>
> In an attached stylesheet, I added the rule:
> h1 { font-size: larger }
> Instead of making the text larger, the text was made smaller.  The only 
> other rule applying to the h1 element is text-align: center.
> -- 
> Brant Langer Gurganus
> Write me a message if you're happy.

Received on Monday, 11 August 2003 03:58:06 UTC