Re: I like Amaya (as 51th), Views

On Wed, 1 Jan 2003, veith.risak wrote:

>I like and use Amaya especially because of its different views.
>I know no other www-browser/editor giving so much comfort.

Yeah, me too. I even like the source view, although I didn't think it was a
good idea at the time...

>This is valuable because:
>? I can find easier orphan-annotations.

>  But annoations are not comfortable, when writing articles, which change
>  very often.
>  Annotations are not new. I found them first in Hyperties 3 (Cognetics),
>  which died because of www.
>  In HTIES 3 it was possible to annotate every article (but not selected
>  parts of it). Then an editor-widow, similar to Annotea (with all the
>  necessary metas) opened and could be edited.
>  All annotations were in one single file.
>  Orphan-annotations were possible only, if I deleted an article
>  completely.
>  I think this simpler concept would suffice for Annotea too.
>The nessessary functions (after adding XHTML and XML) are all there.
>The inconveniences and small errors mentioned in this mailing list do not
>disturb very much.

There is an option to annotate a document in the annotations menu, which is
the functionality you are asking for. But it would be interesting to have
some more control in the user interface over how context URIs were
constructed - should it be an Xpointer, or an IDREF, or someting else? I
suspect that in the first two cases there should be a simple choice, perhaps
made automatically so if the thing being annotated is a target it gets a URI
like and otherwise it gets an Xpointer (idrefs are
likely to change less often than xpointers, I suspect). But it would be good
to have an opportunity to edit the annotation target it is keeping - for
example to allow the use of RDF "fuzzy pointers" or other mechanisms that are
more robust over changes.



>I congratulate the working team for their product and for responding so
>quickly to messages. This is not common for very expensive commercial
>Kind regards
>Veith Risak
>University of Salzburg

Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Sunday, 12 January 2003 14:58:12 UTC