I like Amaya (as 51th), Views

I like and use Amaya especially because of its different views.
I know no other www-browser/editor giving so much comfort.
This is valuable because:
+ I can write better source (and control it)
+ I have a better overview over the structure of my www-page
+ Amaya gives me the look and feel of real Hypertext.
  I have a very simple ht-system (130kB!!) from Bratislava-University
  (INTERES), which gives me the same feeling, but can not use universal
  tag-languages like Amaya.
  But I use Amaya very often locally like an organizer with linked
? I can find easier orphan-annotations.
  But annoations are not comfortable, when writing articles, which change
  very often.
  Annotations are not new. I found them first in Hyperties 3 (Cognetics),
  which died because of www.
  In HTIES 3 it was possible to annotate every article (but not selected
  parts of it). Then an editor-widow, similar to Annotea (with all the
  necessary metas) opened and could be edited.
  All annotations were in one single file.
  Orphan-annotations were possible only, if I deleted an article
  I think this simpler concept would suffice for Annotea too.

The nessessary functions (after adding XHTML and XML) are all there.
The inconveniences and small errors mentioned in this mailing list do not
disturb very much.

I congratulate the working team for their product and for responding so
quickly to messages. This is not common for very expensive commercial

Kind regards

Veith Risak
University of Salzburg

Received on Monday, 6 January 2003 05:42:22 UTC