Re: handling of PRE Tag

I replied some time ago to the first message. See

Did you get that reply?


Jochem Heicke wrote:
> Sorry for repeating my question about the handling of PRE tags in AMAYA
> I use PRE tags to display aligned columns of monospace text.
> AMAYA garbles this in two ways.
> 1) On every "save" there is an additional LF inserted after a <BR> 
> inside <PRE>.
> (These <BR> are inserted when touching the file with the Mozilla Editor)
> So after a few changes the file becomes ill formed.
> 2) There is an AUTO wrap feature within AMAYA that inserts a LF after a 
> certain amount of characters. WHY ?
> Any comments how to get rid of this annoying behaviour are most welcome.
> Jochem Heicke
> JHL Informations-Systeme GmbH

Received on Monday, 6 January 2003 06:03:19 UTC