Still Problem Centering Tables.......

Using Windows 2000 version:

I played with Amaya back when it was v3.0, started using it for my webpages

when it reached v6.0 since it showed to be more stable for Windows.


I still have a problem with tables. When this new version 8.0 loads up, the

are centered, but the background colour is left justified. If I scroll down
to the bottom

of the page and then scroll back up, the table is left justified along with
the background colour.


It will center if the table is small. It doesn't matter if there are one to
three colums.

IE & Mozilla show all my centered tables centered except Amaya.

The table at the top of the page is coded the same way and Amaya shows it


I have tried writing code like this for it to work.....

Here is the page address:



main.css file

table                 { margin-left: auto;

                          margin-right: auto }

                        /* Trying to center  TABLES */

.center              { text-align: center }

                        /* General centering CLASS */


<div class="center">

<table class="center" align="center" border="1" width="480"

summary="Funfone Tapes, one recording per table cell">



      <td align="center" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><span

        class="tcenter"><strong>Started 3/20/1975<br />

        The Beginnings Of Funfone</strong><br />

        <strong>Recordings Before The Gang From Fluke</strong></span></td>



103 rows.....


    <tr>      <td><p>Interview #16</p>






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Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2003 12:54:08 UTC