Re: Amaya handling of <object>

In article <>,
   Vincent Quint <> wrote:
> Henry,

> Thanks for pointing this out. There was a bug in the evaluation of nested
> objects in Amaya.  It is fixed in the CVS base.

     Following on from this bug, I was trying out some PHP generated SVG
yesterday - with objects - and had a most weird result.  I reproduced the
same image using Amaya (the 'xml' header line has been removed in the
attached mini-archive file New.svg) - which resulted in the same SVG text
barring a fraction of a millimetre here or there.  I have produced a very
much cut down page - index.xml - also in the mini-archive.  Ignoring the
gif and link which are not relevant (though I thought they might be), Amaya
shows the image starting some couple of centimetres ABOVE the top of the
page about three centimetres to the right of centre and with a gap of
around one centimetre between the first and third paragraph!

     Originally I included no width or height attributes - no over-riding
required - and found that Amaya insists on a value of '400' for both,
resulting in an enormous gap to the next following text.  Reading the
specification I cannot see a mandatory requirement for either width or
height - particularly since in the SVG file both are provided.

     Dare I hope that the fix referred to might have improved the rendering
of the attached?

City Desk
Waikato University
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Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2002 18:26:46 UTC