Re: [www-amaya] <none>

> Hi Amaya Family
> In what document type the figure should be drawn i.e in svg or html?

It could be a stand-alone SVG document or within a <svg> element in a HTML 

> I drew in html type and when I tried to take print then Amaya misaligned all the
> objects. Same happened when I took posscript print.

If you want to control the position of your SVG elements, these elements must 
children of the same <svg> elements.

> When I drew the same figure in svg type then it didn't print the figure and gave
> garbage at the prompt. Also nothing is printed in postscript form in this case.

Could send us an example? And what is your platform?

> Oftenely when I draw  lines then Amaya does not adjust its second coordinates.
> In the source file when I put the "y" coordinate of the 2nd coordinates then the
> line is well adjusted.
> Kindly guide me where I am making the  mistakes!
> When a bug is fixed or any change in Amaya is informed over the  group mail,
> then we have to download Amaya from again for reinstallation or these
> changes are integerated in the Next coming version?

The page lists new features and 
bugs fixes
in the CVS version. Obviously these new things are included in the next public 


Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 06:03:40 UTC