Re: Bug and bug children

I use Amaya on Linux (Mandrake 8.1), the bug was while editing a table.

I use 6.1 now, but there's a lot of problem for edition :

- The major one is that Amaya is not completly WYSIWYG, because it adds 
a lot of unneed '<p>'. It seems this is due to
delete characters ?
- I notice some strange behavior, that puts the first letter of each 
sentence to the right, this is again the consequences of the
deletion function (supposed).

Most the time the problems come with the table management.

Else, I notice that the 6.1 for GTK was in a corrupted .tgz format (I 
try by HTTP I supposed this is the same service).

Thank for your Work.

Irene Vatton wrote:

>>I meet this problem that crashes Amaya 6.0
>>* CRITICAL **: file eazel-theme-draw.c: line 1640 (draw_flat_box): assertion `height >= -1' failed.
>Strange, Amaya doesn't include that file and doesn't call that function.
>What it the context of that bug? What are you doing (editing, browsing)?
>What file? What platform?
>>Alexandre Brillant
>>Ingénieur Indépendant Java/XML/Linux
>>Siret : 441 639 341 00011
>>Portable : 06 85 29 22 58
>>Tél : 01 40 55 90 76

Alexandre Brillant
Ingénieur Indépendant Java/XML/Linux
Siret : 441 639 341 00011
Portable : 06 85 29 22 58
Tél : 01 40 55 90 76

Received on Monday, 17 June 2002 09:40:29 UTC