Bug detected!

I've found out something strange: p, h1, h2{display:block;} changes the 
behavior of Amaya 6.0. without that line all elements are shown after each 
other. Shouldn't this line be part of the default-CSS?

Next bug:
body > p{} applies to <body><div><p>this p</p>...

And the third problem is, that Amaya 6.0 fails the get the required width for 
the border of an h3{display:inline;}, if there are spaces in the <h3>.

Also it has the problem to apply a[href^="http"]{} (CSS3 Selector as it's 
already implemented in Mozilla and konqueror 3) to all <a> elements.

Kai Lahmann


Received on Monday, 29 April 2002 09:48:18 UTC