Re: recognizing external stylesheet

In that case, could it be made easier to open and close a file in Amaya 
to remove the BOM?  Currently, it seems to be nearly impossible to do in 
Amaya.  It points to a syntax error at the very end of the file and 
doesn't seem to let me remove the character.

Christoph Schneegans wrote:

>Brant Langer Gurganus wrote:
>>Amaya does not seem to recognize external stylesheets that have the
>>charset parameter as in "text/css; charset=UTF-8".
>I don't think it's this parameter that irritates Amaya, but the byte
>order mark (BOM) that many editors write to UTF-8 encoded files. BTW,
>Opera suffers from the same problem.
>There have been some discussions about the validity of BOMs in HTTP
>responses, but I'm not sure about the outcome. Maybe someone else can
>enlight me?
>>I checked with IANA's MIME registration and it does indeed have
>>this parameter as optional.
>Yes, it's fully legal, see
>Christoph Schneegans

Received on Friday, 19 April 2002 21:43:57 UTC