Amaya 5.3 GTK/LINUX-ELF discrepancies

     Since the GTK version is now declared stable I thought to down-load
that variant of 5.3 the other day.

     I noticed two rather nasty 'features' -

     a.   Clicking the left mouse button over the scroll-bar end-arrow once
     resulted in the contents moving a line at a time repeatedly until a
     screen-full of lines had been scrolled - for just the single click!

     b.   The following style file entry -

body                {
                     background-repeat: repeat-y ;
                     background-image: url("../graphics/cloudspine.gif") ;
                     color: rgb(0,0,0) ;
                     background-color: rgb(255,245,205)

     for which the background url identifies a file with some transparent
     areas on the right - results in those being black not a pale pink!!

     The LINUX-ELF version behaves correctly (one line per click, pink

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Waikato University
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Received on Thursday, 27 December 2001 00:55:43 UTC