Re: Shades of Netscape 4.7x

In article <>,
   Michael Bowen <> wrote:
> At 22:10 2001/12/04, Keith Hopper wrote:

> >Developing a script for teaching today involved trying to download an
> >80Mbyte file from the web.
> >
> >Amaya 5.2 (non-Gtk) [linux 2.2.19] crashed after reading 2^31 bytes! Until 
> >the latest Netscape and Mozillas they didn't crash but behaved very 
> >erratically once the 'number' had 'gone negative' - only to behave alright 
> >again after 2^32 bytes.

> I'm not sure why this would trouble you. 2^31 is 2 GB and 2^32 is 4 GB.
> 80 MB, although a suitably impressive download size, is only about 0.08 GB.

     Eek!  Of course you are correct - so what is magic about 20,000,000
(roughly) which causes Amaya to fall over - thinks -  that should have been
2^21 NOT 2^31.

     Mea culpa!


City Desk
Waikato University
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Received on Friday, 7 December 2001 01:14:50 UTC