Re: RFE: Graphical manipulation of table spans

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your suggestion.
We'll work on that as soon as possible, but unfortunately it won't be
available in the next release planned by end of the year.

> Request for enhancement: Ability to create rowspans and colspans
> graphically.
> The ability in Amaya to create and edit tables graphically is an
> important and powerful feature. AFAIK, it's the only open-source HTML
> editor that provides this capability.
> It'd be even grander if Amaya enabled you to graphically create
> rowspans and colspans. For example, you'd highlight a cell, choose a
> menu command like "Span [or Merge] Cell to left|right|above|below" or
> "Split Cell into rows|columns", and Amaya would generate the rowspan
> and colspan attributes and re-render the table. (Tak Ota's
> table.el[1]-- an ASCII table editor for Emacs -- lets you create spans
> that way, and then generate HTML, CALS, TEI, and Latex source.)
> Or you'd highlight two cells and then choose a menu command like
> "Span [or Merge] Cells" to merge the two cells into one.
> I'm not too familiar with current commercial HTML editing tools, but
> epcEdit, XMetaL, and Arbortext Epic are three XML editors I know that
> provide the ability to graphically edit tables. (I think Morphon may
> have added some table capabilities in its latest beta release, but I
> haven't tried the new version yet, so don't know.) So it'd be great to
> have a similar feature in Amaya.
> Regards,
>   --Michael Smith
> [1]

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2001 12:15:48 UTC