Arrow keys crash Amaya-GTK 5.2


I've just checked out the Amaya sources from CVS and built them on my i386
computer running vanilla Red Hat 7.1 Linux. The build used GTK and the
pre-installed graphics libraries and included annotations support.

The resulting binary runs correctly, except that pressing a down arrow key
while in either the WYSIWIG or structure views of the document yields

Gtk-ERROR **: file gtkvbox.c: line 425 (focus_along_children): assertion
failed: (GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (widget) && GTK_WIDGET_IS_SENSITIVE (widget))
*** Amaya: Irrecoverable error ***

to standard error and a crash.

The behaviour manifests for both the up arrow and down arrow keys and the
corresponding arrow keys on my numeric keypad. It occurs consistently
across the structure, alternate, links, table-of-contents, and source
views. The left and right arrows, page-down and page-up keys are all

Is this a bug?



Received on Saturday, 10 November 2001 23:12:29 UTC