Bug report, Amaya 5.2, win 98, NOT in 5.1

Software version: 5.2
OS version: Windows 98 second edition French

To complete the bug report of J.Russell, I add that all the accented 
characters of the french language are displayed the wrong way: it seems 
that they are changed following the ASCII code from 256 table to 128, but I 
don't know well these questions, and I probably mistake myself.

The bug changes only the display of the former pages, build with Amaya 5.1. 
And as I type new accented text in 5.2 version, it appears the good way.

The old pages appear the same wrong way using the "view source" (alt-v 
alt-s) function.

What I find very strange, is that the reading of both types of pages (those 
generated with 5.1 and 5.2 version) doesn't show consequent differences. 
But I couldn't make a precise and methodic test, for I don't want to lose 
my old pages by registering bad datas.

I hope it is only a problem of displayong ASCII, but I am not sure, once 
again. If I was not precise enough in this report, feel free to ask.

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Received on Monday, 29 October 2001 14:30:05 UTC