more on MathML pallettes

A thought on implementation of MathML entity pallettes.
It would be convenient to capture the contents data
within .ini files.  This would save having to make 'fixed'
 decisions on what glyphs go in each pallette at make time
 as well as allowing users to set up their own.  In addition
 glyphs accidentally missed can be added easily. And 
finally it would remove drag/drop and dialog requirements
for building user pallettes
An example syntax for pallette1.ini could be:

This would build a 3x2 pallette with appropriate entries.
Amaya would provide several pallettes that user could cut/paste from.

John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
Mystery readers may want to click on DOROTHYL

Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2001 14:10:02 UTC