Re: embeding SGV with the <object> tag

Since Amaya can directly handle SVG (well, a subset of it anyway) and since
it supports object already, I am surprised that this doesn't just work.

If I wasn't in the middle of a system rebuild I would test it, but I don't
have amaya available today :(

Charles McCN

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, Vincent QUINT wrote:

  Hi Bertrand,

  With the support of paths, the implementation of SVG in Amaya is making
  some progress. This will be available in the release scheduled for tomorrow.
  With this release, the only way to include SVG drawings into XHTML documents
  is to use namespaces. We have plans for supporting the img tag in a future
  release, but without the object element. Something like:

  <p>A nice paragraph followed by a drawing.</p>
  <img src="URLOfSomeSVGFile"/>
  <p>A paragraph after the drawing.</p>

  Obviously the drawing will have to be served with mime type "image/svg".
  Not sure yet if we will spend time on the object thing.


  Bertrand Ibrahim wrote:
  > Hi,
  > now that Amaya offers support for SVG, is it possible, or will it be soon
  > possible to include an SVG file in an HTML document using the <object> tag,
  > e.g. like this:
  > <object type="text/svg" data="URLOfSomeSVGFile">
  >   <img src="URLOfSameGraphicsInGifFormat">
  > </object>
  > Peace,
  > Bertrand Ibrahim.
  > --------------------------------------------

Charles McCathieNevile  phone: +61 409 134 136
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative    fax: +1 617 258 5999
Location: 21 Mitchell street FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia
(or W3C INRIA, Route des Lucioles, BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France)

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2001 13:21:40 UTC