forthcoming version

I note that the time for the next release is coming soon.
In addition to anticipating more complete implementation
of html 4 and css1, i am really hoping to some fixes
in the editor to make it usable. at this point i haven't
bothered using amaya to edit cuz it is lacking.

1] have the functions of shift-home, shift-end and shift-downarrow
been repaired to operate as other editors do. When the cursor
is at the start of a line, shift-downarrow SHOULD NOT select the
first character as well.  It should select the previous line plus the
linefeed character(s).

What i wonder about is if the textbox is aware of the platform
to know whether to insert cr/lf if on the Windows o/s.
I know that the text box in forms suffers from this problem
but maybe not the edit box.  If it can't be made aware then
perhaps a manual selector.... 

And for the fall release there is a real big wish for a user
configurable palette or two for mathml character entities.
i think you are trying to get a student project going on this
i hope you succeed
John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
Please send complaints to my legal reps
Dewey, Cheatum & Howe  ATTN: Sue Alotte

Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2001 11:29:30 UTC