height of a pixel

I know that pixel height can vary depending on monitor
BUT for the same monitor a pixel should have the same
size rearless of browser.  But i find that this assumption is
For example I have a style set for my horizontal rules to
give margin-top and margin-bottom of  10 px  each.
However when I study the rule separator at the bottom
of my home page with each browser, there is considerable
variation.  msie5 gives the widest,  opera is in the middle
and Amaya is very small.  --- this makes it darn difficult 
 to design for all.  Is this an error, a vagueness in spec
definition, or is my technique for separation incorrect.
Actually if Amaya's default was set for more separation
than it currently gives, i would probably run with the agent's default.

Just trying to find out why style leads to variations when the
intent was to get a more generic display !!!

John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
Please send complaints to my legal reps
Dewey, Cheatum & Howe  ATTN: Sue Alotte

Received on Saturday, 26 May 2001 12:09:25 UTC