Amaya MML support: bugs and feedback


Here's some feedback on Amaya MML support from a physics PhD student:

* Inconsistent height of matching brackets.
With both () and <> brackets, often one bracket is rendered *much*
larger than the other. Looks very odd.

* Using MML in a sentence nixes spaces.
If you insert bits of MML into a sentence, often you can't separate
words in that sentence with the space bar... you have to use the "space"
symbol on the Greek Alphabet window instead.

* Long lines not always correctly wrapped when printing.

* No support for a subscript *prefix*. Often I want to prefix a symbol
with a subscript. Amaya only allows you to suffix a symbol with a

* Odd and inconsistent behaviour when attempting to delete symbols
within an MML expression. Sometimes I can't delete a symbol, unless I
delete the whole line. Other times, deleting one symbol wipes out many
others. Something odd definitely going on here.

* No h-bar symbol (h with a line through it - important for physicists).

* Incorrect alignment of "hats" over characters in certain situations.
If I type this (hope you can follow this!)  :
|  then
"hat" construct on math toolbar  then
psi in main area of "hat" construct, then
tilde in the "hat",  then
subscript construct to right of "hat" construct,
then ">" in main area of subscript construct,
then "AB" in the subscript,

the tilde "hat" is not correctly aligned, it gets centered over the
whole unit, rather than just over the psi.  I'm sure that the way I
constructed this expression should mean it is centred just over the psi.

* If you use a particular subscript/superscript/etc construct, and leave
part of it blank, this is printed out as a grey box. A particular
problem since lack of support for a subscript prefix means I resort to
using a subscript suffix construct with the main area left blank

In summary, something of a battle to use for MML input at the moment,
but shaping up nicely!


Received on Wednesday, 9 May 2001 11:42:52 UTC