Where do I report an Amaya bug?

Amaya is the only product I have seen (commercial or otherwise) that can
do the wonderful round-trip source-code, wysiwyg & structure view
editing.   And all open source.  Perfect!

Well ... almost perfect...
Here's is one bug I found, and my work-around for it:

Bug:  Often I would like to completely replace the HTML in the
source-view with my own code.  If I attempt to select-all and then
paste, the editor freezes.

Workaround:  Create a new document via Amaya. Paste my code at the end
of the existing HTML "template" code that Amaya automatically created
for the blank document. Then delete this template code so all that's
left is my HTML.

Is this a known bug?  I'm running on Windows 2000.

Thanks for the great tool!

Tom Goodman

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 03:56:22 UTC