Re: Could not build: HTML.S and other *.[SPT] files were missing.

>    Hi.  I've downloaded amaya-4.0.tgz & amaya-3.2.1.tgz
>  and tried to compile on NetBSD 1.5, but it failed because
>  HTML.S was (and maybe other *.T *.P files were) missing.
>  Am I supposed to write those files by ourselves?
>  Or can I find them in the net?
>  Thanks.
> -
> Koh Sato.

All these files are in the source tar file. I guess you just omitted to create 
object subdirectory Amaya/$your-object-directory and to move into this 
to launch "../configure".


Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2000 09:36:28 UTC