Re: Amaya 3.2 crashing and rendering problems

Has anyone been able to reproduce
this bug's behavior?

--- Fox One <> wrote:
> * Enter
in the url bar
> * hit enter to go the the web page
> * erase the default search string with the 
>   backspace key
> * enter "+document diff" as the new search string
> * double click the search button
> * select the second item in the list
> * (it might be a message with a subject
>   of Extrnals.html)
> * click on the back button
> * click the back button again
> * (you are now back at the page:
>   , but the page's tables have been
>   messed up; if the tables look okay, then
>   go back to step 4 [enter a new search string])
> * click on the back button
> * click on the forward button
> * click on the back button
> * click on the forward button
> * (continue to do this until the crash occurs)
> * (if you are lucky, Amaya crashes :-)

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Received on Friday, 7 July 2000 07:41:28 UTC