target anchors and text decoration........

The method that Amaya uses to generate target anchors 
is in direct conflict with text-decoration of anchors....
Amaya assumes that one will be highlighting text and creating
something such as  
<a name="This">This is the first bit of text</a>
it uses the highlighted text for the name if it is unique!    
Legal and sensible until one combines it with CSS 
text-decoration  that is needed for underlining a href="foobar'
 links but not wanted on the a name= links ......  
Is there a way of isolating A href= and A name=   in CSS
to avoid this conflict.    
Most authors use <a name="dingus"></a>   but  
<a name="dingus">some text</a> is valid html ......
busted specifications i think  but is there a work around!

John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
Mystery readers may want to click on DOROTHYL

Received on Thursday, 6 July 2000 15:54:43 UTC