2.4 install.

I have just "bodged" the installation of amaya under Solaris 2.5.1
because it failed complaining about no ../install.sh
when within the amaya subdirectory of the build directory.
I put in suitable calls to /usr/sbin/install in the Makefile
in that directory.  (Basically I replaced calls to INSTALL_BIN
and INSTALL_DATA with /usr/sbin/install -f with -m755 and -m644

Now on running amaya I get:
atlanta hgs 47 %> amaya
System wide unix-thot.rc not found at /usr/local/Amaya/config/unix-thot.rc
missing environment variable THOTDIR
WARNING: cannot open file en-libdialogue
cannot find messages table
atlanta hgs 48 %> setenv THOTDIR /usr/local/Amaya
atlanta hgs 49 %> amaya
System wide unix-thot.rc not found at /usr/local/Amaya/config/unix-thot.rc
WARNING: cannot open file en-libdialogue
cannot find messages table
atlanta hgs 50 %> 

What should my next step be?
	Thank you

Received on Friday, 25 February 2000 14:44:10 UTC