Cascading Makebooks

Hi all,

I intensively use the Makebook functionnality in Amaya and I cascade
references to subdocuments. I explain: document A contains a relative link
with REL="subdocument" to another document B. Document B contains a
relative link with REL="subdocument" to document C. Document C contains
links with no REL but with HREF pointing to relative documents.
When doing Makebook on document A, multiple makebooks are made
automatically in cascade (A enclose B which enclose C). That great and very
powerful. BUT it works only if all documents are in the same directory.
Otherwise there is a problem in the re-calcultation of HREF during the
Makebook process and it aborts immediatly.

Example :
- doc A in a different directory :
- doc A in the same directory: A.html - B.html - C.html - D.html

Amaya 2.4 on NT4

Thanks for your help.
Catherine CHAT          
INRIA - DirDRI          
Domaine de Voluceau - BP105       
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex - FRANCE   

Received on Thursday, 17 February 2000 09:16:24 UTC