Re: please help me

In-reply-to: Your message of Wed, 16 Feb 2000 15:01:45 +0530."
> Hi ,
> 	I am writing html2ps in java.  I dont know perl so cant interpret
> html2ps already written in perl. Please do help me in this regard
> 1) I want to know how can I convert tables(merged cells etc..) into ps(very
> important is this) I need the procedure or the logic for this please do help
> me regarding this and 
> 2)how can i go for page breaks and line breaks(please tell me how to go
> about it), 
> 3)should i write the same prologue for all ps files that are generated by
> this package which we are developing? 
> waiting for an early reply from u
> thanks and regards
> sreeram


Amaya is an editor/browser written in C able to generate PostScript, html2ps is
another program.


Received on Thursday, 17 February 2000 08:19:34 UTC