[www-amaya] <none>

Hi Jose,

The initial name of our editor/browser was Tamaya. A tamaya is a tree from
New Mexico represented by the logo. We chose that name because I love that tree
and with a lot of imagination it could style the image a the Net.
Unfortunately we could longer use that name because it was already used by
a small French company. For that reason we dropped the first T and our
editor/browser is named Amaya.

> Hello, 
>  No, this is not a bug report! I just try to use Amaya as it is, and patiently
w> ait for a more stable version (or for something similar) to turn up.

> I was just curious about the name "Amaya".  It sounds like greek mithology... 
> Can anyone tell me  how did it pop up? I could not find any info about it in
> the W3C website. 

Irène Vatton			e-mail: Irene.Vatton@inria.fr Irene.Vatton@w3.org
Tel: (33)476.61.53.61            Fax: (33)476.61.52.07
W3C/INRIA Rhône-Alpes
ZIRST - 655 avenue de l'Europe

Received on Thursday, 10 February 2000 04:28:30 UTC