Re: Make Book Questions/Bugs

In-reply-to: Your message of Wed, 26 Jan 2000 08:03:38 -0500."
> Hi,
> what is the difference between the "rel=subdocument" and "rel=Chapter"
> when using the MakeBook command?

No difference.
> Why does MakeBook delete (i.e. skip in the output) the ENTIRE (!)
> paragraph whenever this contains a reference to another Chapter? 
> Wouldn't it make more sense to insert the corresponding material AFTER
> that paragraph?  Sure, that makes things more difficult to read - but
> else you can't have "rel=**" commands in longer paragraphs, as they
> dissappear :-(

The text around a reference is not exactly the same than the text that 
a section (the div that replace the previous reference). For that reason we 
to remove the paragraph or the item that includes the link.
> In the Windows (NT4.0) version, the MakeBook command becomes disabled
> after using it - so you have to leave Amaya to try again.

After a MakeBook, the document is set in the Read-Only mode. That protects
you against a Save on the original address. The MakeBook is disabled by the 
Read-Only mode and you have to change the document state (by clicking on the 
Edit botton) to allow a second MakeBook or any other editing.


Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2000 09:30:02 UTC