word wrapping and breaking words.....

I was experimenting with how browsers wrap longwords or break 
them.  this was because of a sidebar menu that may/maynot force
 menu items onto two or more lines......

The usual situation is for an unbreakable line (note line not word)
to be made into a horizontally scrollable window.

Amaya chooses to break the word up by characters if needed ....
Is there a specific reason for this.  Should not words remain intact
even if it forces a horizontal scroll......

And for those that occasionally use the bloatware browsers
  MSIE will break at a hyphen  but NETSCAPE will not !!!

John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
Mystery readers may want to click on DOROTHYL

Received on Friday, 30 June 2000 12:26:24 UTC