Colour Style on A doesn't override default A:linik

FOr both IE5 and Netscape 6, this class based
style entry, when applied to an A element,
results in white text, but Amaya 3.1, on NT4,
displays it in the standard link colour.  There
isn't enough colour contrast to see whether the 
text decoration override has taken.

	color: #ffffff;
	font: bold 10pt Verdana;
	text-decoration: none;

(Whilst personally I don't think doing links as 
white on dark blue, or anything other than underlined blue on
grey/white, is a good idea, but that's what our
marketing people want.  Amaya is not, and is unlikely ever
to be, one of their target browsers.)

Received on Tuesday, 27 June 2000 14:20:42 UTC