Amaya publishing problems

Hello folks.

I have searched the archives, but couldn't get the solution. I'm using the following:

Apache Web server 1.3.9 on Digital UNIX
Amaya 3.1 for Windows NT

I am having problems with HTTP publishing - it is not doing anything. The Apache IS configured to handle PUTs, because HTTP publishing from Netscape Composer (editor from Netscape Communicator package) works.

Basically, Apache will ask for user/pass on any PUT request and then (if OK) pass it to PUT-handler. For Netscape, this works like a charm.

With Amaya, I have a problem - Authentication. Amaya just isn't handling it or I'm unable to find an option for user/pass credentials. I'm never prompted for any.

Is there a solution for this?


Received on Thursday, 22 June 2000 08:39:46 UTC