Re: table editing problems

I did some more table editing with Amaya today and encountered
some more problems.

I created the following page with Amaya 3.1 on Win98:

I initially created the table with 10 rows. Whenever I put my 
curser in the left most column and typed something,
the typing would appear above the table. When I examined
the table in the structure view it was fine. And when I saved
the file and reloaded it, it was fine. So this is a rendering
problem. The strange thing was that the problem went
away after I added a few more rows to the table.

I inserted my curser at the beginning of the "June 14" line
near the top, and pressed return in hopes of inserting a new
bullet. The first time I did this, my entire table was deleted.
I restored the file and tried again. This time the table
wasn't deleted but the rest of the bullet list was deleted.
These problems were NOT rendering problems.

Amaya does not seem to properly update the screen when
I add links inside bulleted lists. When I save the file and reload
everything renders fine. But rendering is problematic before 
reload. The problem is especially noticeable in tables --
the bulleted item goes out of its cell and over writes the
cell below.


Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2000 02:59:30 UTC