file save problem - line break within ALT value

When I use Amaya (latest release, compiled from tarball, 
on either Solaris or Linux) to edit an HTML file created
by something other than Amaya, and then save the file,
Amaya restructures the file with indentation to indicate
the structure, and wraps at a max line length (is this
configurable?).  The problem is that it may wrap lines
within the value of an attribute, such as ALT or FACE.
Since these values are %text, the line break and padding
spaces are now included within the value of the attribute.
This seems to be not a good thing.  Is there some way
to configure this behavior, or should I consider it a
bug?  (I haven't looked into the source - I'm not sure
whether I'm up to understanding (and fixing) it or not.)

Thanks for any advice.

Jack Ostroff

Received on Wednesday, 7 June 2000 09:09:32 UTC