Re: broken doc links in cvs

> The Amaya docs in the Amaya CVS package have
> a few incorrect links:
> In the file: Amaya/doc/amaya/Overview.html
> These links need to point to the previous directory
> level:
> Text:   "Thot API Manual"
> Url:    "../APIman.toc.html"
> Text:   "Thot Application Generation Manual"
> Url:    "../Appman.toc.html"
> Text:   "Thot Language Manual"
> Url:    "../languages.toc.html"
> Text:   "Amaya Architecture"
> Url:    "../AmayaArchi.html"
> Also, the file `AmayaArchi.html' is not in the CVS
> package.
> It should be placed in `Amaya/doc.'


The document Overview.html and AmayaArchi.html were local saving of
W3C server documents.
I removed these saving because the W3C server has its own CVS base.


Received on Monday, 5 June 2000 11:57:04 UTC