Re: amaya on win2k

In-reply-to: Your message of Wed, 17 May 2000 03:45:12 -0400."
> I've been experiencing some oddness in Amaya on Win2k. The fuzzy problem
> is Amaya tends to render content very oddly, munging two pages together,
> or rendering the html as if it is missing chunks, but this might be a
> problem with the ssh or jigsaw proxy I'm using ...

The best way to check that is to see the source view.
If some content is within the source view but is not displayed in the
formatted view, it could be either a Amaya bug or an error in the
document structure.
I met this kind of trouble when I dowloaded document with invalid
height constraints.
Could you check also that there no height attribute or a CSS constraint on
the element.
 The more substantive
> problem is that Amaya for Windows has some built in paths (for the .ini
> file) that no longer hold on Win2K. User files are kept in \Document and
> Settings.

I probably need to check that on a Win2K machine and adapt the code.

Received on Wednesday, 17 May 2000 04:27:08 UTC