Re: 3.0, minor problems

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Irene VATTON wrote:

> > I successfully built Amaya 3.0 from the sources on Solaris 2.5.1.
> > It comes up ok, that infinite loop has gone :-), and I am delighted
> > to see horizontal scrolling working.  I have one or two problems though.
> > The first of which is that I cannot see my cursor when I try to edit
> > things, in the main window or the structure window.  It used to be red,
> > I think.
> We use the video invert operation to select and unselect boxes and that 
> generates
> very strange and uncontrollable colors for the selection. The color selection 
> depends
> on the current set of colors used in the system.
> The right solution is to change the way we display the selection. We planned 
> to do so
> but we didn't already find the time. I guess it's probably urgent to change 
> now.
> What do you think?

Well, the pointer problem sorted itself out when I actually installed the
code, as I think I mentioned.  Certainly selecting text leads to unusual
results though. I find that selecting text means that the selected text is
not visible, the whole region gets coloured in one colour, so the text
itself cannot be seen.  I would think this is pretty important, but I
don't know how its importance compares with other things on your list :-)

> > I have found a couple of minor bugs in the graphical side of things,
> > when using large fonts and light on dark colours.  I thought the
> > easiest way to supply the details was to put them on
> > 
> >
> I had a look at your bug report page:
> We only have one field now, so it's not ambiguous. I propose to remove the 
> text "Address"
> What do you think?

I think that would solve it.  I think another way would be to change
"Address" to "URL" (not sure if that should be URI, actually, but more
people are familiar with the term URL I think).  This may work better for
the larger fonts, as it is a shorter string.

Fortunately, the text is above the boxes in the configuration window,
so this doesn't apply there.

> For the tooltip background color, I'll see if it's more controllable.

Thank you.

> > 
> > which I have done.  My .thotrc file is there too.
> > I hope this is of some help to you.
> > 	Thank you.
> > 	Hugh
> >
> > 
> > 
> -- 
>      Irene.

Received on Tuesday, 11 April 2000 07:19:48 UTC