Masacre of website by Amaya???

Hi, all I just joined the list and have a problem with Amaya.

My business website looks perfectly fine in either IE5 or Netscape but as
soon as I load it up in Amaya it all goes screwy. Spacing between cells of
a table are completly out of control, <p> and <br> tags are intermitently
ignored, and a few other problems. Amaya did find for me a minor problem of
   <font> text here <p></font>   and those I fixed locally, haven't
uploaded that fix yet, but Amaya still incorectly displays the page. I've
tried both the Windows version (98) and Linux versions, and neither shows
things properly.

Here's url to my site for any one who wants to see what I'm talking about:

Any help solving this would be great. Thanks

Ian Christie

When the least they could do to you was everything, 
then the most they could do to you suddenly held no terror.
        -- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)

Received on Monday, 27 September 1999 17:24:51 UTC