Re: save by FTP

Hello Charles,

In our previous episode, Charles McCathieNevile said:
> Does anyone know what parts of the source need to be changed to implement and
> ftp save option?

I've been making some experiments for interfacing Amaya with the libwww
ftp module. If I'm succesful, we'll be able to read data from FTP servers.

Re: FTP save, it should be possible to do so with libwww. However,
we don't plan to support this feature in Amaya, as we're more concerned
with higlighting HTTP PUT and all the cool features it has: etags,
protection against lost commits, language negotation, ...

Bring up your question again when we announce the FTP support and I'll be
able to give you a more precise answer on what you'd need to patch implement
FTP save.


Received on Thursday, 23 September 1999 11:40:18 UTC