Re: 2.1 on Solaris 2.5.1

On Thu, 1 Jul 1999 wrote:

> In-reply-to: Your message of Thu, 01 Jul 1999 11:08:07 +0100."
>              <> 
> > I have built Amaya 2.1 on Solaris 2.5.1 with EGCS-1.1.2.
> > The build was successful.  On bringing up the manual
> Yes, this is an error in our page Manual.html. When we set the background color
> we have to set the foreground color too.
> I'll change for next versions.

	Thank you.
> > On browsing my home page
> >
> > Amaya crashes with 
> > *** Thot: Irrecoverable error ***
> I have a solaris box too but I have no problem with that URL.
> Could you start Amaya on a debuger just to let us know where it crashs).

	How?  I could not see anything about command line options...
	Let me know how to give you enough info and I will. Thanks.
> > Netscape, I cannot see anything on command line options to flush
> > any such cache, or to increase diagnostic output.
> Yes there is a cache that you can purge (see the menu Special).
	Flushed it. My page still crashes amaya.

> > The coloured popup legends on the button bar seem a bit bigger (thanks)
> Tooltips use the foreground color, but you cannot change the yellow
> color. That is a bug.

	Thanks for noting it.  Which foreground colour -- the X one or
	the Amaya (menus/fonts/etc) one?  If it is the X one then 
	maybe pick up the background (X) colour instead of the yellow.
	Ideally one would like to configure these within Amaya, I think.
> > 
> > The colour "palette" doesn't seem to have an "apply" button, only 
> Right, we still plan to add it.

	Thanks.  Maybe borrow Netscape's "always use my colours" feature,
	but this ties in with style sheets so I'm not sure where it should
	live :-)
>   Irene.

Received on Thursday, 1 July 1999 10:51:03 UTC