Printing from Amaya


I am having problems printing a document from Amaya 1.4a on Windows 95. Any
document. Nothing prints, no matter what I try (this includes Amaya's own
help pages). I have no difficulty printing from any other application --
only from Amaya.

I downloaded the executable distribution on Friday. I can download the
source and compile my own version if necessary, but I would prefer to avoid
the extra effort and I'm sure I don't know enough C to locate and fix the
printing problem anyway!

I'm sorry for asking such a basic question, but it has me stumped and I'm
wondering if it is an actual bug or if I'm just overlooking something. This
is the first time I have used Amaya and apart from the printing problem I
have been very impressed.

Thanks in advance for any assistance...

David Meadows [ Technical Writer | Information Developer ]
DNRC Minister for Littorasy *
"He who does not imagine in stronger and better lineaments, and in
 stronger and better light than his perishing mortal eye can see
 does not imagine at all."     -- William Blake

Received on Sunday, 17 January 1999 18:40:49 UTC