2.0a source - where to get?

I grabbed the 2.0 i386 RPM off netfind, and like others, was disappointed 
to see that it didn't display JPEG's.  I tried to follow the links from
the Amaya page, only to discover that User/ and everything under it seems
to be quite inaccessible.  I found Ted from the UK's list message about
the full URL for the 2.0 source (JANET cache-proof) and managed to find
my way into Distribution/ - but all the files in there were unreadable.

It's like some sick, twisted joke.  Great program, but I can't get it. ;)
Throw in that most Amaya-related links at the W3C are obsolete, broken,
or point to dead pages... *smacks self in head*

Anyone have pointers to 2.0a source anywhere OFF the W3C's servers?


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Received on Saturday, 12 June 1999 23:16:07 UTC