"make book" feature broken in Amaya 2.0a


one of the features I like very much with Amaya is its ability to put together
a set of documents, number the sections and allow me to print the whole as a
single document with an automatically generated table of contents and a list 
of links.

Unfortunately, this feature doesn't seem to work reliably in v2.0a for Unix 
(I use Solaris 2.6 and X11R6 on a Sun UltraSparc 10). On some documents, it 
doesn't go more than one level deep in the <a rel="chapter" href=...> links, 
and on some others it does, but intermitently (i.e. one attempt will fail and 
the next will succeed, even though the files haven't changed in between the 
two attempts).

As an example, based on documents acessible from 
http://cuisung.unige.ch/prod/index.html, the result of "make book" with v2.0a
can be found at http://cuisung.unige.ch/prod/v2.0a.book.html, while the result
produced with v1.4a can be found at http://cuisung.unige.ch/prod/book.html.

Another strange detail, with v2.0a, very often after using "make book", 
"section numbering" becomes deactivated and thus unusable.

If you need other document sets that use the rel="chapter" attribute to make
tests, let me know because I have a bunch of them.

Thanks for your efforts,

Bertrand Ibrahim.
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Received on Friday, 11 June 1999 14:51:44 UTC