Re: Amaya 1.3b

At 08:14 16-10-98 -0700, Jim FitzSimons wrote:
>Ramzi GUETARI wrote:
>> >It is a problem with windows 95/98. 

Aptly put... what is being observed is the Windows file name extension
associations, the quirks thereof, and the attempts by various applications
to work within (or possibly in spite of) the system ~design~.

>I just checked Windows 98 and it requires .PNG 
>on the end to view the PNG images. Windows 95 
>is the same. The Browsers can view the images 
>without the .PNG on the end but not any other 
>application even paintshop pro. 

It can be done, but as you observe can be a challenge to do so. You are
overstating it a tad,as there are some applications which have the smarts
to do so.

>I think it would be more standard to always 
>include the .PNG on the end.

Please, if you wish to reference standards, include citations and do so
accurately. I'm not sure of what you refer, but the PNG specification (W3C
REC-png 1.0) at "8.1 File name extension" makes a ~recommendation~ (not a
requirement) and indicates that _lower case_ ".png" is preferred.

The issue here hardly seems to be one of standards, as Amaya seems to be
behaving properly. Rather one of interoperability, to make the
documentation more accessible, even on lesser-abled systems such as
Windows. <g>

As such, a desirable petty (but useful to some) improvement would be to
change the names of PNG files to include a ".png" (lower case) file name
extension.  (If I understand correctly, such a change will likely be done
in a future release.)


ps. As far as Windows being a PITA in a number of ways, I think it fair to
say that most of us who've made extensive use of a variety of computer
systems over the years have also found other than Windows to be a PITA at
times. Ergo, our goal here is to identify and deal with platform PITA
issues, while trying to sidestep *.advocacy issues. <b>
Harold A. Driscoll             
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Received on Saturday, 17 October 1998 12:07:08 UTC