zlib, libpng and libjpeg as dll

Irene.Vatton@inrialpes.fr wrote:
>     The Amaya team is proud to announce the availability of the
>     1.3b release of Amaya editor/browser.

Downloaded and installed it on serveral machines, both the Windows 95
and the Windows NT version.

Suggestion: Could the zlib, libpng and libjpeg libraries not be
distributed as separate dll's? I am maintaining a graphical
package for Tcl/Tk, and this package uses the same 3 libraries.
Any time a new version of zlib, libpng or libjpeg comes out,
all I have to do is recompile the dll, but there is no need
to recompile the applications that use it. Just copy them to
the same directory as amaya.exe, the same as thotprinter.dll.

I would be glad to contribute the following files to the
Amaya team:
      ZLIB.DLL       63 kByte     ZLIB.LIB       22 kByte
      PNG.DLL       111 kByte     PNG.LIB        83 kByte
      JPEG62.DLL    135 kByte     JPEG.LIB       68 kByte
Those are all compiled with MSVC++ 5.0. As soon as new versions
come out I have to recompile those dll's anyway, so I could as well
contribute the result to the Amaya team.

- libjpeg doesn't promise binary compatibility between versions,
  therefore the version number "62" is needed in the dll name.
- The libs are needed to link the application with. They don't
  need to be distributed with Amaya.

See also: http://home.wxs.nl/~nijtmans/img.html#current

    Jan Nijtmans, CMG (Computer Management Group) Arnhem B.V.
    email: Jan.Nijtmans@wxs.nl (private)
           Jan.Nijtmans@cmg.nl (work)
    url:   http://home.wxs.nl/~nijtmans/

Received on Friday, 16 October 1998 14:40:19 UTC